
WC Schools(Cleveland)- Last week the White County Board of Education approved administrative personnel for the upcoming school year.  Here is a list of those that were approved: 

Administrators for 2015-2016

White County School System

 Name                                     Position                                                    


Stacie Ward                                      Principal at JPN                                        

Shann Cash                                     Principal at WCIS                                     

Jill Baughman                                Principal at MYES                                    

Jennifer Goss King                         Principal at MCES                                    

Kristi Gerrells                                  Principal at WCMS                                   

Steve Bartlett                                  Director of NGA                                          

John Osborne                                   Principal at NGA/WCHS                         



Dr. MaryKay Berry                        Director of Student Services                    

Abby Rowland                                 Director of School Nutrition                    

Dr. Laurie Burkett                         Assistant Superintendent                        

Dr. Shanna Wilkes                         Director of RTTT, Federal & State        


Angie Helton                                    Director of School Improvement/Testing

Cindy Free                                       Director of Instructional Technology

Pat Schofill                                       Transportation Director                           


Non-Certified Directors

Trish Harris                                    Financial Director

William Sperin                                Technology Director