
Caring Hands Ministry 12-1-14(CLERMONT) – Caring Hands Ministries will hold a second children and teens coat give away  in November.  Ministry officials advised that the event will be held November 10th   from 5:00-7:00 pm  at 6483 Cleveland Highway (U.S. 129) in Clermont in the same building as Papa’s Pizza.  Some scarves, hats and gloves will also be available. Caring Hands Ministries is still accepting donations of used (but clean) coats, blankets and other items.  

Officials say larger sizes are welcome and much needed, as are blankets.   Donations should be taken to the Caring Hands office during or before the give away.   Any child who needs a coat is welcome, according to Caring Hands President Charles Fleming. He said,  “Our hearts were touched by the number of children who came…in October and were broken by the fact that so many of these children are homeless or living from place to place with different friends and relatives.“  Fleming added.