
(Cleveland)-  Heavy rainfall across north Georgia will increase the risk for flooding most of this week.  National Weather forecasters say a slow-moving frontal boundary dropping into the Southeast will provide a focus for rain across the area as multiple disturbances traverse the upper-level flow. Widespread rain chances will shift north to south through the forecast area from Monday through Thursday.

A prolonged southerly flow of moisture from the Gulf of  Mexico combined with southwesterly flow aloft will contribute to deep moisture over north and central Georgia. This will lead to the potential for a multi-day heavy rain event.

Forecast rainfall amounts in the early and middle parts of the week are expected to be high. Current forecast rainfall totals for Monday through Thursday range from 3.5 to 5 inches over much of north and central Georgia, with some locally heavier rainfall, totals possible.  These rainfall amounts increase the risk of flooding over the area. Although this prolonged rain is expected to begin as early as Monday morning and end as late as Thursday evening, there will be some breaks in the heaviest rain during this event.  Wednesday and Wednesday night will be the favored time for the heaviest rain for the majority of the area.

As rainfall begins to accumulate through the middle of the week, the ability for rivers to handle increased runoff within the channel is suppressed and could quickly result in flooding.