Loading Christmas food  for delivery (L-r) Officer Wesley Addis, Councilwoman Nan Bowen, and Lt. Donna Sims

(Cleveland)- Cleveland area seniors will have a brighter Christmas thanks to the efforts of the Cleveland Police Department and other city employees. Wednesday morning police officers began delivering 88 food boxes.

The Christmas food delivery program was started several years ago by Police Chief John Foster and is popular with Cleveland officials and businesses who donate to the program. Chief Foster said, “it seems to put a little joy in the hearts of those who receive the boxes, a lot of our senior citizens are forgotten about, they seem to just be kinda left out and they are really happy when we show up and bring them a Christmas dinner, so it’s a really joyful time for them.”

Lt. Donna Sims said it’s a special part of her Christmas, ” oh it just warms my heart and so many people donated their time and effort  I just appreciate everything that everyone has done, ” commented Sims.  

 City Clerk Connie Tracas shared a story about when they were gathering items for the seniors, she said a young clerk at one of the stores ask what they were doing and after they explained the clerk commented, I didn’t know there was any good people out there.   

Cleveland Police Lt. Donna Sims packs Christmas hams for delivery to elderly residents