
2015 County Budget sheet(Cleveland)- The White County Board of Commissioners Monday conducted the first of two public hearing on the fiscal year 2015-16 budget for the county. Prior to the start of the budget information County Commission Chairman Travis Turner made this statement: “ I’m pleased to announce that if things go accordingly as we adopt our millage rate at the end of July, based on this proposed budget, that this will make the seventh consecutive year that the board of commissioners has presented to the public a budget that, (A) holds the millage rate the same, or (B) offers a slight decrease.”

The budget plan calls for $15.8- million in expenditures. The largest portion of the county budget is the areas covered under public safety, which is 49 percent.

In presenting the budget information County Manager Mike Melton said, “ this budget is less than last years budget.”

During comment time, White County Sheriff Neal Walden ask the commissioners if there was any pay increases included in this new budget, chairman Turner said there was not. Turner explained that they want to follow suggestions from county auditors to keep a three month cash flow reserve. He told the sheriff after the county receives it’s audit report around November he is willing to bring this issue back up to see if they can provide pay raises, based on performance, for county employees.

For more details about the FY-16 Budget use link below:
