(Cleveland)- The White County Commissioners has approved a revised contract with Waste Management doing business as R & B Landfill, Inc. in connection with the operation of the White County Transfer Station south of Cleveland. The contract was approved earlier but somehow items that the commissioners wanted in the original agreement were left out.

The revised contract sets forth criteria that the company must follow such as cleaning the dump floor at least twice a day, freeing waste at the end of the day, and trash cleanup on the road leading to the site being cleaned up at least on a weekly bases. 

If these items are not followed, the contracts call for fines to be imposed leading up to contract cancelation.  

In addition to approving the contract Commission Chairman Travis Turner said looking ahead they need to look at possible setting up a second scale for residential trash keeping it separate from the commercial haulers, this could help cut down on the long lines residents face who haul their own trash.  

Commission Chairman Turner said, We recognize we’re going to have to do some improvements there one day, what that looks like we don’t know but I think we need to be aware of that.”