
Doug_Collins Headshot1(WASHINGTON) – Ninth District Congressman Doug Collins has released a statement after Tuesday’s House passage of the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act. The congressman said, “I am a strong supporter and proud cosponsor of the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act, a permanent ban on state and local Internet access taxes. I applaud my colleagues on the Judiciary Committee and in the House of Representatives who worked hard to pass this bill. Access to information online and the opportunity it provides is invaluable. In Congress, we must make sure Americans of all backgrounds can afford it, rather than add to the already huge burden on taxpayers

Collins further stated, Today’s vote is a victory for conservatives and freedom lovers, who believe, like I do, that the Internet Tax Freedom Act should be lasting. We’re protecting consumers from multiple and discriminatory taxation, growing online access, encouraging innovation and promoting job and economic growth.

The bill now goes to the senate for action.