
Fire 3-2-15fire2 3-2-15(Cleveland)- Cleveland and White County firefighters were dispatched to a commercial fire in the city of Cleveland Monday night at 7:26 PM.  The fire was in the rear section of Hardwoods Incorporated on Appalachian Trail Drive. 

Cleveland Fire Chief Ricky Pruitt said,” the fire started in a molding machine and extended from that into a wall and office area behind the molding  machine’’ A motor in the molding machine was the origin of the fire.  

According to Pruitt firefighters had to battle thick black smoke using a thermal imagining machine to get to the blaze.  Pruitt said the damage was contained to the molding machine and office area. 

Chief Pruitt said, luckily there was someone on the premise and  he noticed the smoke and called 9-1-1.  After fire crews extinguished the flames and cleared the smoke they stayed on scene for sometime to check out any hot spots. 

Pruitt said he recommended that someone remain at the facility for the remainder of the night. No injuries were reported.

Hardwoods Incorporated is located off Helen Highway near Ingles and the Cleveland Post Office.