Washed out area on Kanady Road near Westmorland Road  (photo W.C. Public Safety)

(Cleveland)- Heavy rain and thunderstorms early Wednesday morning had local emergency officials working several calls.

At least two homeowners reported lightning strikes, and excessive rainfall in downtown Cleveland resulted in flooding of some streets, notably South Main Street between Knights Inn and Burger King as well as Quillian Street, behind Burger King, where flooding made it almost impossible for drivers to maneuver the road. Fire and police blocked the road until the flooding waters receded.

Water has receded from those areas.

White County Public Safety Director David Murphy advises at least two roads in the county are closed as a result of the heavy rain. Murphy advised Kanady Road off Westmoreland is closed due to flooding and damage to the roadway.  White County Public works will keep that road will be closed until further notice. ( Note-Kanady Road is now open to traffic )

Flooding on Airport Road  ( Photo W.C. Public Safety)

Airport Road south of Cleveland is closed due to flooding on the Post Road end.  According to Murphy, that road will be closed until the water recedes from the creek.  (Note- Airport Road is now open) 

Rainfall should ease up during the afternoon hours but more flooding is possible with the runoff of the heavy rain.