(Cleveland)-On Saturday, the Northeast Georgia Veterans Society dedicated a statue at Freedom Park in Cleveland in memory of the families of fallen service personnel.

A small crowd braved the cold weather to be a part of the special ceremony where Ron Webb, President of the Northeast Georgia Veterans Society talked about the reason for placing this special monument in the park, to honor the families who suffered the loss of family members.

Webb told the crowd the story of Betty Bertie Mae Gibbs whose husband was killed in World War II and her son from a later marriage died in Viet Nam. Webb said her son’s wife hearing of his death suffered a miscarriage and lost their unborn child.

In addition to honoring the families of fallen service personnel Webb said they wanted to take time to honor and recognize a World War I veteran whose name was not included on the veteran’s statue placed at the park earlier.

According to Webb, they learned recently that Eugene Stanhope Jarrett served in the Army and died of the Spanish Flu.

The new statue dedicated Saturday represents a folded American Flag being presented to a family member of a fallen soldier.