

(Cleveland)- People are noticing that things are changing in downtown Cleveland.  Monday night the Cleveland City Council heard a report about what business and  property owners around the square in Cleveland are doing  to improve the shopping and business experience for customers. 

Ward Gann, representing Downtown Cleveland Merchants Alliance (DCMA) told the council  that their goal is to make the area pedestrian friendly and he said they are  looking into having some murals painted on downtown buildings.  He ask council members to let them know what their vision for the square is.   The merchants are already adding flowers and working on other ideas to improve the downtown square area.

In addition to improving the business community around the square, the Cleveland Council voted Monday night   to enter into a three year agreement with Georgia Power and NextSite 360 to study the Cleveland business atmosphere and provide retail marketing and serve and  promote commercial development.

Following the recommendation by City Administrator Tom O’Bryant the council  agreed to spend $7,500 a year for the next three years for the service that will look at ways to promote development on Highway 129 North and South, the Helen Highway and Downtown Cleveland. 

Councilman Bradley Greene, who made the motion for approval said, “ I see this as being the way to go, we need to grow in these areas.”