(CLEVELAND) – The Truett McConnell University baseball team went 1-1 on the day, featuring a tough 1-7 loss in game two of the series and bouncing back in game three with a score of 11-3. The Bears are now sitting at a record of 5-3. 

GAME 2 | 1-7

The top of the second saw the Cougars strike hit the board first, forcing TMU to work from behind. The Bears were capable of retaliating in the bottom of the fourth with a Griffin Kanelos RBI to score Isaak Mullanack to even the gap. Pitcher Cason Brown held IUK at bay for four innings, but the top of the seventh saw a different fate for TMU as the Cougars gained momentum to steal the game, with a final score 1-7. 


Tanner Griffith and Mikal Mascarello went 1-3 at the plate, followed by Matthew Redmond who recorded a single hit and two walks. Kanelos had one RBI, while Brown tallied five strikeouts and Cade Kiniry tallied two strikeouts. 

GAME 3 | 11-3

In the final game of the series, the Bears gained a massive amount of speed as they dominated on offense, scoring nine runs in the bottom of the first. The inning was sparked by a Griffith single to center and Andrew Johnston double to right. A Mascarello RBI single scored the first run of the game, followed by a Will Ingram RBI single and Kiniry RBI single. A second Johnston double added to the rally as the Bears were up 9-0 going into the second. TMU added a single run in the bottom of the second and third inning, leading with an 11-point advantage. Pitcher Caleb Johnson shut down the Cougars offense for majority of the game, but the top of the sixth saw IUK strike back (11-3). The Bears defense was capable of shutting down the Cougars, stealing the win with a final score of 11-3. 


Johnston led going 3-4 at the plate, along with three RBIs and two runs. Mascarello went 2-4 at the plate with one run and one RBI, while Redmond went 2-3 with one run and one walk and Kiniry had a single hit and two RBIs. 

Johnson recorded his first career win and four strikeouts, while allowing zero runs and one hit. Craig Barton followed with five strikeouts. 


The Bears will travel to face Southern Wesleyan University on Tuesday, Feb. 15, at 3:00 p.m.