
White County Election Superintendent Garrison Baker (L) and Robert Hamrick, White County IT Director view voting results Tuesday night

White County Election Superintendent Garrison Baker (L) and Robert Hamrick, White County IT Director view voting results Tuesday night

(Cleveland)-  Election officials report a larger than expected turnout in Tuesday’s Primary voting in White County.  Donald Trump was the top vote getter in the republican race in the county and Hillary Clinton took the most votes in the Democratic race. 

White County Election Superintendent Garrison Baker said 54.2 percent of the county’s 12, 834 registered voters cast ballots in all the voting process, which included, early voting and absentees.  Donald Trump received 45. 27 percent of the votes in the republican primary with a total of 2,715 votes, second was Ted Cruz 1511 (25.2%) and Marco Rubio was third with 1049 (17.49%).  Those were the top three vote getters on the Republican side. 

As for as the Democratic Primary voting in the county Hillary Clinton 498 votes ( 52.4%) to Bernie Sanders 440 ( 46.3 %). 

Baker said they were surprised at the larger than expected turnout, but  in all the election process went well in the county. 


Vote 3-1-16